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Choose The Lifestyle You Deserve!
Members of the Life Force International family wish to help you find your way to our success, freedoms and fulfillment.
Perfect Timing
Wellness The Industry of Tomorrow
Top economists who predicted the rise and fall of the savings and loan industry as well as the success and failure of the dot coms, predict with complete confidence that "wellness" is the next trillion dollar industry.As baby boomers seek to preserve their youth and continue to spend billions on wellness products and services.
What Does This Mean For You?
You have an opportunity to position yourself in front of one of the biggest mega-trends in the history of man! By choosing the right products, with the right company, along with deciding to invest the right work ethic, and you have an incredible potential to enpower your dreams. And it's all based on our time-tested, doctor-approved products!
Superior Products - Referral Income
We manufacture our own liquid, whole-food supplements. Some of our customers have enjoyed the products for over 15 years. As a result, they naturally recommend our products to others. From this dynamic paradigm, we developed a unique referral-compensation concept, which has prospered so well we are now international in scope.
Our Business Model
Ours is simple, easy-entry, fast-moving opportunity without the risk typically associated with other marketing businesses.
* Free sign-up!
* No additional overhead.
* No inventory needed - we ship factory-fresh to you customers.
* No paperwork, bookkeeping or collections.
*Proven products, business plan, training and support structure.
Personal Training & Support
With Life Force, your "upline team" supports you in a win-win relationship.

*A simple, proven plan of action!
*Targeted training & products education.
*Recorded 24/7 telephone support.
*Internet support 24/7 via our Website.
*Complete business reports.
*Live conference calls.
*Regional seminars.
Take Action!
Even the greatest of opportunities means nothing without a commitment to act! Please give yourself a chanceto enjoy our reality. We enjoy what we do, and wish to share our methods with you. With this information fresh in your mind, contact us today, and allow us to show you how to begin a bright new tomorrow!
Life Force Success Group
Vikki Williams
Email us for more information. Ask us about our October special!
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Compensation It's Win-Win!
The following shows how you earn on people at various levels in your "downline team."

Option 1
Level 1 25+ BV Order 15%
Level 2 25+ BV Order 20%

Option 2
Level 1 50+ BV Autoship Order 15%
Level 2 50+ BV Autoship Order 25%

Option 3
Level 1 100+ BV Autoship Order 15%
Level 2 100+ BV Autoship Order 40%
Level 3 100+ BV Autoship Order 10%
Level 4 - Infinity up to 2-14%